There are stages in the life of a yoga teacher that lead one to the 300 hour training. Maybe it's been a while since you completed your first 200 hour training, and now you are ready to level up. Deep dive into all aspects of yoga with Clarity Global's 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training led by Maureen Dinkins.
Whether you teach in person or online these lessons will help you physically correct your students so that they are safe when learning asanas.
Learn how the body can heal through Yoga by studying not only the muscles and bones, but the diseases and ailments that yoga can help heal.
How did yoga come about? What historical texts talk about yoga, and how has it evolved into what we practice today?
As a yoga teacher, you already know people look up to you as a someone who can be trustworthy and respectable. Maintaining that respect takes practice and balance.
Becoming a Yoga Boss and how to manage your business
Pranayama & Meditation is an important part of an advanced yoga practice. Learn how to teach students to meditate, and what specific pranayama exercises are appropriate for specific types of students.
Clarity Global is a 300 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training Program. All students applying for the 300 Hour Program must complete the 200 Hour Program first before joining the 300 hour program.
Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Lasts 5 months. You will get one-on-one guided attention from your teacher to ensure your success. In addition to weekly online meetings there are monthly practicums, on a Saturday from 1:00-5:30pm Eastern time. You can join via online or in-person. During these practicums, students practice hands on adjustments, verbal cues, Sanskrit chanting, teaching advanced asanas, and Ayurvedic Cooking.
This heartfelt review of Clarity Global is more than we could ask for. Meet Teresa, as a graduate from Clarity Global's 200 & 300 Hour Teacher Trainings, she has a lot to say about her experience.
With so many students learning online, it is important for students to receive a quality education. That is why at Clarity Global, all students have a direct connect to the lead trainer Maureen Dinkins.
Students will be able to meet with the teacher twice weekly on the live conference platform, Google Meetings.
As a member of Clarity Global's 200 Hour Yoga teacher training, you have the support of your fellow classmates to cheer you on, as well as be able to share supplemental information, ask questions and join group conversations in our private Facebook Group.
Students will continue to have access to all materials even after they compete the 200 hour program through Google Classroom.
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